Events Calendar
Youth Summer Camp Aluminum Can Drive !!!
Please save your empty, clean, uncrushed cans to help our youth pay for their trips to Youth Camp.
At my last check, we have 7 kids wanting to go. With half of their tuition already paid, we still need to come up with approximately $725 to pay the remainder.
If you have a bunch of empty aluminum cans that you need picked up, please call Bonnie Thomas. I have access to a pickup that I can carry 15 large size garbage bags full in. I can pick them up within 3 hours of your call. And, we have a Church member who has offered to match the amount of money we get from saving the cans. Think about it, please. We need to get the last of the cans no later than July 10th.
Thank you !
May 20-24 June 22
Arizona State Campmeeting Men's Breakfast Mtg.
Cathedral Christian Center Ashfork, Arizona
16635 North 51st Avenue
Glendale, Arizona 85306
July 15-19 July 19-21
Junior Summer Camp After School / College Camp
(ages 7-12) (ages 19-25)
July 22-26 August 5-11
Senior Summer Camp General Assembly
(ages 13-18) Indianapolis, Indiana
© 2002 East Phoenix Church of God